Thursday, December 27, 2012

New Blog!

Hey Fantagians/Bloggers.
        Special annoucement!  I, crm089, have created a new blog.  This blog, unfortunately, has nothing to do with Fantage.  So you may ask, "So, why are you telling us about it then?"  Well, it's simple really.  I'm telling you because I want you guys to check it out.  I haven't posted anything to it, so you will have to be patient.  I'm still trying to figure out what my first post should be about, so in the meantime, I want to tell you what exactly I will be posting on this blog.  First of all, here's the link: Anyway, on this blog I'm basically going to be posting tutorials on how to draw certain things.  It will be pretty cool, but I will have to take time in between each post so I can prepare the next one.  Well, I just wanted to tell you guys about it and if you take any interest at all in sketching or drawing, you may want to check this blog out.
Thanks guys!

Follow this blog?

Hey Fantagians!
        Okay so before you start reading this, I just wanted to warn you that it has nothing to do with Fantage!  If that doesn't bother you, then please read on.  Okay, so as you might have noticed, this blog has only one follower (sad face)!  If you enjoy reading on this blog, or if you occasionaly check it out, or even if you've only been here once, could you please consider following it?  It would mean a lot to me if you would, and I would love to get this blog noticed by other Fantagians, because I believe it can be helpful to them at times.  I was thinking of getting back my Xat Chat Room, but I'm not sure if you guys liked the one I had before.  I liked it because it gave people without a Blogger account a chance to contact me.  I also wanted to find a way for you guys to listen to music while looking at my post, so if you know a good website for that, comment in the comment section.  Thanks, guys, and sorry again that this post had basically nothing to do with Fantage!  P.S. I updated the background design, tell me if you like it!

New Fantage Items!

Hey Fantagians!
        So, today I wanted to talk to you about the new Fanatage items that are being sold in nearly every shop around Fantage!  Also I just wanted to go ahead and say that I think I might stay on Fantage now.  I mean, I've been on Fantage since June 4, 2009 and I've had this blog for a few years, so I don't see the point in not keeping it going.  Anyway, about the new items, I will start out with the new items at the Board  Shop.  The new item consist of:  an Animated Volcano Board, an Animated City Board, a Cool Board, and an Animated Ice Crystal Board. They look basically as their names describe them, except the "Cool Board."  You will have to see that one for yourself.  Next is the IDFone shop.  Basically what they have here is a bunch of neat new stickers.  Not to mention a few new wallpapers, skins, and charms.  The next shop is Ottoman's Furniture.  Ottoman's usually has pretty sweet new items, so you're going to want to check these out, plus, they're luxury items, so you can't not want to check them out.  These new items consist of a Holiday Chair (1,300 stars), Holiday Candles (1,500 stars), Hanging Holly Lights (1,200 stars), and a Holidy Rug (1,100 stars).  You seriously can't miss out on these new holiday items.
        Next store.  Le Shop. I'll have to admit, I'm pretty excited about these items too, so I guess I'll have to save up my stars.  The new  Le Shop items are:  a Lacy Black Dress, Fancy Pink Purse, Shiny Black Heels,  Winter Wonderland Ensemble, Furry Boots, Colorful Pattern Dress, Shiny Blue Purse, Beige Boots, and yet another Fancy Black Dress.  Sounds awesome right?  I think so too. Better start saving up some stars. 
        Okay, this is the last shop I'm going to tell you guys about.  The Steller Salon. Gorgeous Hair, Winter Flower, Puffy White Hat, Red Winter Hat, and Sweet Brunette.  That's all for the shops, and again I want to say that I hope you all had a very wonderful Christmas, and I hope you have a happy new year.  *Premium Members, don't forget to pick up your monthy gift from Downtown or Uptown if you haven't already.  You're running out of time!*  Thanks again for reading, you guys!


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Fantage Christmas!

Hey guys.

        Okay, okay.  I realize I haven't posted in like two years, but I didn't forget about you guys, I promise.  First things first, you may be asking, "Okay, so, you haven't visited this blog in almost two years, so why are you visiting it now?"  Well honestly, I was bored and I figured, "you know what?  I should check in on that blog I made a few years ago."  Now, I don't really visit Fantage anymore, but that doesn't mean I can't inform you of the things going on there, does it?  Well,  I decided to visit it today. 
        Anyway, there is a LOT of interesting things going on in fantage, especially this time of year.  I'm going to tell you what these things are. First, let me talk to you about some new holiday items that have been released.  Unfortunately, to obtain most of these limited items, you're going to need a premium membership, but don't worry, there are some interesting things going on that everyone can participate in.  Back to the limited items, for the girls, there are, not one, but two winter limited item packages.  The first one includes:  Smokey black hair w/ black cap,  gold earrings, a black and white striped outfit, warm ash-colored boots, and a board that you would have to see for yourself to copmrehend its awesomeness.  The second winter outfit (for females) includes: Bronze, copper-like colored hair w/ a pink snow hat, ash-color gloves, a pink cardigan outfit, white shoes, and an animated snowman board.  If you choose to buy these things individually, it will wind up being a costy amount of 8,000 stars.  Fortunately, if you choose to buy the items together, it will only be about 6,500 (for members. If you use eCoins it will only be 4,800 stars.)
        The limited items aren't the only cool thing going on this Fantage holiday. There is also a new holiday pet! If you want it, you will have to hurry up, because it will only be around for a limited time.  Okay, I know, I know.  I'm typing way too much. Don't worry, I will try to wrap this up within the next few sentences.  Another cool thing going on is the train. Not just any train, of course.  This train is the "Polar Express".  It's pretty neat.  All you have to do is wait a few minutes Downtown for the train to arrive, and it will take you anywhere you want to go, such as, Downtown, Uptown, the North Pole, the Forest, or the Carnival.  And if you don't want to go anywhere, you can just chill on the train with some friends, like me (minus the fact that I'm alone in this picture, I prefer to be alone on long train rides.)
        Okay, I realize I have written a lot more than I intended to, but, hey, there's a bunch of cool stuff going on around Fantage these days, so you guys should be well-informed.  I think I'm going to stop right there, because other than the cool new clothes and hairstyles, I think you guys can figure out the rest for yourselves.  I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise!  Haha, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, Hannukah, or whatever you celebrate.  Hopefully I will be posting more often now, but I'm not making any promises!  Thanks for reading, and don't forget to Live, Laugh, Fantage!
(Also have a Happy New Year!  2013!)